Warehousing Service
General warehouses
Export supervisory warehouses
Pingyan Railway is the dedicated rail facility operated by Shenzhen Pingyan Multimodal Company Limited (PML). The railway interfaces with the country's main railway network, enabling YICT to provide one-stop logistics services to inland areas like Chongqing, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan.
PML provides not only intermodal services, but also warehousing, container storage and repairs, and trucking services. Taking advantage of YICT's wide range of resources, PML is capable of providing integrated logistics services to its customers.
General warehouses
Export supervisory warehouses
Heavy-lift cargo and UC lifting, securing, lashing and transportation
Container storage and repairs
From inland factories to railway station
From inland factories to the terminal
Tel: (86-755) 2529 8050
Email: csc.railway@pingyan.com.cn